Getting Clients Doesn’t Have to Be Hard.

What If You Could Build A Copywriting Business To Set You Free?

You Can, and I’m Going to Show You How!

Megan Kachigan Loehr |

Dear Copywriter,

Are you not getting the clients you want or the results you need?

You’ve seen other people become successful copywriters…but not sure how to make that work for you?

Have too many ideas, too many directions…and not sure about what is actually going to move the needle in your business?

Unsure of what to charge, or how and when to raise your prices?

Don’t get stuck in your questions.

To move forward, you need personalized implementation.

That’s what got you here, and it’s not working anymore.

Get Consistent High-Paying, High-Quality Clients

…even if you don’t have a portfolio

My online copywriting business took my ordinary life and gave me the freedom I hoped for. 

I am revealing the system I personally use to grow my copywriting business to surpass my 9-5 salary while working 20 hours a week (or less!). 

I am present to my family AND I achieve my ambitious career goals.

I make an impact both in my home AND in my work.

I get to do work that I love AND I can also enjoy the beach on a random Wednesday afternoon.

And all of this is 100% possible for you, too!

Get Paid What Your Writing Is Worth

…without job bidding sites that take a percentage of your pay.

When I first started copywriting as a freelancer, I was completely overwhelmed. 
Being a good copywriter isn’t enough to be successful.

How do you find clients?

How do you sign the good ones that you’d actually love to work with?

How do you create consistency?

And then there's the chicken and the egg problem:

It's so hard to get clients without a portfolio...but how do I build a portfolio without clients?

It seemed like there were so many moving parts, technological hurdles, and unknowns. The things I Googled contradicted each other. 

I had the copywriting skills, I just needed clients to give me a chance.

Once I exhausted what I could do on my own accord, I needed to start making money — fast. 

I took the risk and invested five-figures in top-tier business coaches to guide me…

And now I’m sharing these key elements for a fraction of the price…

Become A Full-Time Copywriter

Now I am the breadwinner for my family from copywriting alone…
and I only work 20 hours/week (or less).
If that’s the business you want, too, I’m sharing how I built it.
Pulling back the curtain.

You Don't Have To:

In this Mentorship Course, I can show you how to:

Your Crazy Dreams...Aren’t Actually That Crazy

You want financial security. To not settle for just making ends meet.

You want to work less and enjoy life more. 

You want to stop feeling stressed and frantic all the time. 

You want freedom to spend quality time with your loved ones.

This is about quieting all those doubts and lies that make you wonder:

…So you can start seeing MASSIVE growth in your copywriting business.


You’re here for a reason.
A specific purpose.
And you don’t have to do it alone.


The Mentorship Course

A 12-video course for copywriters who have the writing skills but struggle to get clients.

Here’s what you get…

The Course

Delivered in an easy-to-use workbook (no complicated course platforms or passwords to remember!). Includes 12-videos, journal prompts, a space to take notes, and supplementary materials.

Want VIP Support?

Upgrade to get 1:1 support as you go through the course!

And there's a BONUS!

Because I value action-takers, people who know they want a clear path forward and are willing to invest in themselves, their dreams, their business, and their future…

…I’m giving away a fast-action bonus to those who register TODAY!

When you secure your spot now, you’ll also receive my e-book, How To Write Better, Faster. It’s 10 pages of how I get more writing on the page in less time.

Secure Your Spot!

Pricing Options

Option 1

I Want the Course!
$ 297 Total

Option 2

I Want the Course AND 1 Month of 1:1 Support
$ 997 Total

Here's What Copywriters Are Saying:

The only way to hit your goals in the time frame you want is by making an investment...

...In yourself. ...In your business. ...In your dreams.

You could keep downloading freebies and seeking advice in FB groups….

…but you’ve tried that and it can only get you so far because they aren’t any further along than you. If you want to start making more money SOONER, then you need to find a mentor who is living the life and business that you want, get in the same room and RISE to their level. They say you become like the people you spend the most time with, and it’s no different in business.

And sure, you can hustle on your own… 

…but when you can find a mentor who has been where you are and is willing to show you how to get to where you want to be, then you are going to reach your goal FASTER. How long can you wait before your copywriting can pay the bills? How long can you wait? How many more dead ends are you going to go down before you decide enough is enough?

Could you grow a profitable copywriting business by yourself? Maybe with enough trial, error, determination, and time…

…but if you want to do it FASTER, if you want to do it more CONFIDENTLY, if you want to be SUPPORTED by someone who has been where you desire to go, then this Mentorship is for you and the time is NOW.

Is there a faster way for you to reach your goals?

Hey there, I’m Megan!

Megan Kachigan Loehr

I’m a former-teacher turned full-time copywriter and I want to help you do the same. 

I’ve exceeded my previous salary working only part-time hours while raising my baby. 

Last year, I took a month off to travel through Ecuador and the Galapagos islands with my husband. This year, I designed my own maternity leave and took off 8 weeks while the money kept coming in. 

I know it’s possible to grow an at-home, part-time, profitable, copywriting business because I’ve done it and I’ve helped others do it too.

Not even COVID and quarantine could stop my success as a copywriter; instead, it highlighted how necessary and secure copywriting is!

There is no limit on the income you can make and you get to handpick the clients you get to work with!

I’ve had the privilege of facilitating some amazing results, and you can be next!

This isn’t for everyone...

How to know you are the perfect fit...

This group will have the top priority in my business.

You will have access to myself and whatever resources, connections, and strategies I can provide in order to help you succeed.


Investing in yourself and your business is scary. I’ve been there, too. Consider the cost of not taking action. If you paid $500 but got a $1000 client, would that be worth it? 

Invest in the mentors who charge what you want to and watch as your next level begins to unfold. The transformation begins happening the moment you pay the invoice.

Some binge the course in 1 week. Others implement as they go. If you completed just one video per week, you’d finish in 90 days. It is self-paced, so you can work through it according to your schedule.

Yes, absolutely. You will learn how to make the most of what you’ve got, navigate client relations, grow a team, attract more of the clients you love, increase your prices and MORE. Build your business is something that lights you up, not bogs you down.

Yes! I will walk you through how to find and convert clients that you love to work with.

Yes. This is how you will be able to be strategic and supported on your journey to freedom so you actually succeed rather than burn out or stay stuck in overwhelm. At least half of the participants are also working corporate, and your success in this program can be your ticket out.

If the time commitment is a concern, I’d recommend the VIP option because I will hold you accountable. The course is self-paced so you can complete it at any time and at your own pace. Put in your ear buds while you fold laundry, go for a walk, or commute in your car – it’s totally doable to get everything you need without adding more time in your day!

The cost of hesitation is the life you could have lived. What are you waiting for?